Do you love wearable flower designs? We do.  In this third Mayesh Design Star video by Pilar Zuniga of Gorgeous and Green, Pilar showcases her sustainable methods of avoiding plastics. flower tape glues when making wearables. Pilar Zuniga is a seasoned sustainable florist and educator and thrives to create flower designs and methods that are the most sustainable possible.


Pilar Zuniga's third Design Star Video featuring a Flower Hair Piece tutorial without floral tape, plastic or glue


Pilar Zuniga of Gorgeous and Green creating a structure for a flower hair piece out of wire for Mayesh Design Star Video


The Final Product, The Flower Hair Piece made by Pilar Zuniga of Gorgeous and Green without plastic, floral tape or glue for Mayesh's Sustainable Design Star Series

Take a look at her sustainable technique and the beautiful design she creates using "naked wire" and NO floral tape or glue!


Full Video available here on Youtube:

02 agosto 2023 — Pilar Zuniga

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